On average in 2019-20, one in eight people (including one in six children)
lived below the poverty line.
The poverty line based on 50% of median household income ranged from $489
per week for a single person to $1,027 per week for a couple with two children.
More than one in eight people (13.4%) and one in six children (16.6%) lived
below the poverty line after taking account of their housing costs. Over three
million (3,319,000) people lived in poverty, including 761,000 children.
In the March quarter of 2020, COVID lockdowns dramatically increased
Poverty rose from 13.2% of all people (16.2% among children) in the September
quarter of 2019 to 14.6% (19% among children) in the March quarter of 2020 as
people lost paid hours in COVID lockdowns.
Then in the June quarter of 2020, COVID income supports (especially
Coronavirus Supplement) greatly reduced the deepest poverty:
Poverty fell to 12% (13.7% among children) in the June quarter due to COVID
income supports, especially the Coronavirus Supplement and greatly reduced
the deepest poverty.